
If you didn't specify a -Directory, then PShot will pick one for you. You can easily see where things are going if you used the -Verbose parameter

[Task Sequence] LogPath\PShots

PShot will try to connect to a running Task Sequence to determine the LogPath

$TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$LogPath = $TSEnv.Value('LogPath')

[Task Sequence] _SMSTSLogPath\PShots

PShot will try to connect to a running Task Sequence to determine the _SMSTSLogPath

$TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$SMSTSLogPath = $TSEnv.Value('_SMSTSLogPath')


If you are in WinPE, and no Task Sequence is detected. Screenshots placed in here should be picked up automatically if you start a Task Sequence

[UserProfile] My Pictures\PShots

Self explanatory

$MyPictures = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace('shell:My Pictures').Self.Path

[UserProfile] TEMP\PShots

Nothing else worked, so here is where it is


Last updated